Author: Dana

Flex your decision-making muscles and practice 5-pound choices all week!

Weekly Challenge

Want to be the Heavyweight Champion of the World…in making choices?

Do you ever feel like you cannot decide what to do? It can be as simple as what to do next in your day-to-day routine, what to wear, which appointment to cancel when you have double-booked yourself (AGAIN) or whether you’re going to go to one grocery store over another. Life decisions, though—many times—are “bigger” […]


Please choose me. Oh wait! I choose myself!!

Have you ever seen babies or small children catch a glimpse of themselves in a mirror? Their eyes light up. Admiration pours out from their souls. They will literally kiss themselves. And they’ll often have a similar response when they see another baby or child. They light up like a Christmas tree – recognizing love […]


Give yourself that which you’re longing for others to provide you. For example, you need to feel appreciated? Appreciate yourself.

Weekly Challenge

Forgiveness is all about freedom.  Releasing ourselves, and sometimes others

Weekly Challenge

The Adventuresome Life

Column 2

Put Whatever you want in this space.  Or just have 3 footer columns.