This week’s Adventure Challenge is to try something new that scares you. That you may not think is possible. That takes you outside of your comfort zone or beyond what you believe to be your current threshold.

It can be anything really.  Learn to swim.  Enter a race. Try hot yoga . Sing karaoke – in front of actual people – not alone in your living room. Join a gym. Skydive. Apply for that job. Tell him you love him even though he may not love you back – and know that you’ll survive either way.  Dine at a new, unusual restaurant. Finally ask for help – and actually accept it. Crush your own personal record – or somebody else’s. Travel to that place you have always wanted to go. Sign up for a class to learn something new. Walk further than you did yesterday – if even a single step.

What terrifies you but you’re going to do it anyway? What makes you feel uncomfortable but you’re going to do it anyway? What seems impossible, out of the question, or maybe just really hard, but you’re going to do it anyway?

Breathe! Let yourself feel simultaneously frightened and excited about whatever it is!

And then solidify your intention by sharing below.

Next, it’s time to transfer thought and intention into action.  Make it happen! Carry out whatever it is you set out to do. This week! Or at least sign up for the race, schedule the trip, develop a concrete plan or set a start date.

In the words of my favorite female rocker, Gwen Stefani :

                Who really cares ‘coz it’s your life

                You never know it could be great

                Take a chance ‘coz you might grow

                What you waiting

                What you waiting

                What you waiting

                What you waiting

                What you waiting for?

                Tick Tock Tick Tock

                …Life is short, you’re capable

Make sure to write about your experience of surpassing your perceived limitations in your TAL Weekly Adventure Journal. Trust me. You’re going to want to remember this challenge!

It will be a terrific signpost for you to return to whenever you’re headed down a new path or faced with a new experience or way of seeing things.