Category: Blog

Feeling judged or judgmental? Either way, it all comes back to you.

This past week I have spent some time stuck – in the recesses of my own brain. My mind has been meandering the dungeons where all of my dark voices loom and linger. The voices of my ego come in many forms. The perfectionist. The critic. The berater. The degrader. The pessimist. The victim. And […]


Hey girls! What are you made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice?

Oprah Winfrey isn’t nice. At least that’s what her best friend Gayle King says. I don’t remember where I heard it, but I recall Oprah telling the story of her genuinely nice best friend Gayle. I also recall Oprah’s surprise – and mine, in turn – when Gayle did not return the sentiment. Instead suggesting […]


Shhhh. Do you hear that? It’s your soul speaking.

I have had some great Adventures in my life thus far! Swimming into an enormous crashing waterfall in order to view it from behind. Climbing, rappelling, skiing, biking and snow-shoeing up, down and through mountains. Running and biking for miles and miles. Swimming in mind-altering, potential heart-stopping, freezing-temperature waters. Hiking out of the Grand Canyon […]


When was the last time you celebrated? Been too long? Well let’s party!

Let me guess. Last time you celebrated was on your birthday. Anniversary. Graduation. Holiday. The start of the New Year. A birth. Retirement. You or your favorite team winning. And what are some of the common themes of these celebrations? They’re measurable in time. They involve some sort of accolade or achievement. They’ve been designated […]


Waiting for something to happen? Don’t hold your breath!

Breath is the sustenance of life. Without it, our bodies and minds will cease to exist. Yet our breath is something we often take for granted. We don’t have to think about it really. It just happens. With no real thought or effort on our part. Inhale. Exhale. We rarely even notice—that is UNTIL our […]


Introducing…You. The one and only RED HOT You!

Me: Granola? Did you just call me Granola? Really? Me? Granola? I’m not Granola. Client: Yes you are! Me: Really? No, I’m not. Client: You might want to gain some self-awareness. This is a snippet of a conversation that took place recently in a client meeting. A client, including two members of the client’s team, […]


To-do or not to-do? That is the question.

I am that girl. You know the type. The one who has 15 different task lists created and actively running at any given time. And I get an immense amount of satisfaction from getting to check things off my lists. The problem is, my to-do and task lists rarely leave me feeling like I’ve actually […]


Want to be the Heavyweight Champion of the World…in making choices?

Do you ever feel like you cannot decide what to do? It can be as simple as what to do next in your day-to-day routine, what to wear, which appointment to cancel when you have double-booked yourself (AGAIN) or whether you’re going to go to one grocery store over another. Life decisions, though—many times—are “bigger” […]


The Adventuresome Life

Column 2

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