Yes. That’s right. I said “Retreatshop”!
The “Retreat” portion is your chance to get away…not far from home…and not for long. Step outside of your monotonous routine. Beyond the usual. Maybe even outside of your comfort zone. Just enough time and space to experience some Adventure against the beautiful, autumn Iowa landscape.
The “Workshop” portion refers to the activities, exercises and challenges we will engage in. Each created with the intention of overcoming self-inflicted barriers, challenging debilitating beliefs and developing an Adventuresome mindset and tools for use in everyday life.
All in a safe and supported environment alongside other fellow Adventure seekers. We’re in this together!
The weekend will include indoor and outdoor activities, exercises and challenges – mental, physical and sacred- which will encourage you to practice exploration, look at things in a new way, and overcome fears and beliefs that might be tripping you up.
In the spirit of Adventure, I am handling this much like my Adventure racing days. The race directors would send participants minimal general information like where to show up, and when and what supplies to bring.
The details of what we would specifically be doing were left out by design. As they are here.
I’m asking you to bring an Adventuresome attitude with you to The Adventuresome Life Inaugural Retreatshop, so why not start now?
Do not stop thinking of life as an Adventure. You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively; unless you can choose a challenge instead of competence. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Wesley Woods Camp & Retreat Center
10896 Nixon Street
Indianola, Iowa (Southwest of town near Lake Ahquabi State Park)
We will be staying in the New Life Cabin. The cabin has heat and air conditioning. Twin over queen bunk beds. Modern indoor plumbing, private showers and toilets. A large deck with lounge chairs. And a fire pit – which we will put to use.
Adventure is not outside of us; it’s within. – George Eliot
Saturday, November 5th – Check-in begins at 9 a.m.
We will be kicking off the weekend with the Launch Party portion of the Retreatshop promptly at 10 a.m. so I suggest you get there as early as 9 a.m. in order to get settled in before the festivities begin!
Saturday lunch and dinner will be provided. As well as breakfast on Sunday morning.
There will be a myriad of Adventuresome experiential challenges and exercises throughout the day from morning until evening.
With an end of day celebratory bonfire and challenge before retreating to the cabin for some rest and relaxation Saturday night.
Sunday morning after breakfast will be the Final Fun Adventure Challenge for the weekend, followed by some reflection exercises back at the cabin before packing up and heading home.
Checkout is Sunday, November 6th by 5 p.m. We will probably be wrapping up around the noon hour, but you’re welcome to stick around and enjoy the grounds and facilities further if you wish.
It is only in Adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves – in finding themselves. – Andre Gide
As stated above, meals will be provided by the facility. There is a small fridge in our cabin with very limited space. I highly recommend you bring your own cooler with a personal stash of snacks and/or beverages to consume between mealtimes.
Our activities will be indoors, outdoors, daytime, nighttime, and will include all the elements – water, fire, air and earth. At any given time, you may be hot, cold, wet, dirty or covered in sweat. Bring lots of layers and options for change of clothes.
Come prepared for any type of weather. This is Iowa after all!!
As for your feet, bring comfy shoes, and at least one pair of close toed shoes. (i.e. – running/walking/athletic shoes with a supportive sole and/or hiking boots)
I recommend that you ARRIVE in your cutest, comfiest outfit that you can move in – and you don’t mind sweating in. (i.e. – yoga pants, workout gear, loungewear)
One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an Adventure. – William Feather
Our rustic cabin does have heat/air but we will all be sleeping in the same quarters, and everybody’s body temperatures are different so I suggest you bring whatever bedding – including sheet & pillowcase – will keep you the most comfortable. There will be lower bunk queen beds and upper bunk twin beds available.
Our cabin does have modern plumbing with private toilets and showers. You will need your own towel, wash rag and toiletries.
BACKPACK (optional)
All other equipment needed for the weekend will be provided. Yes, I said equipment. Doesn’t that make you wonder?
Life is either a great Adventure or nothing. – Helen Keller
Alcohol is not allowed on the premises. I would appreciate it if you honor this rule. It’s only for a little over 24 hours! This is a place where my son, Street and I stay often and I would like to stay on good terms with the staff. Besides – with all of our explorations – you’re going to want clarity of mind, physical prowess and to be hydrated.
Especially for our Sunday morning Finale Adventure! I can pretty much guarantee you will be challenged, you will have fun, and you will break through some sort of current barrier you have set for yourself.
You will be supported in every way throughout this process. You will not be forced to do anything you do not want to do – although I will highly encourage you to at least try, to look at any fears that may come up for you, and to challenge the beliefs that keep you from moving forward.
Come with an open mind. A sense of Adventure. A willingness to face fears and open up to new possibilities.
Feel free to reach out to me with specific questions: [email protected]. Just know that ALL of your questions may not be answered by design.
My intention for The Adventuresome Life Inaugural Retreatshop is to send you home with an expanded sense of capability and possibility. With applicable tips and tools for orienteering everyday life. And with some new fun memories, stories and relationships that will inspire you to inspire others – by living your fullest potential.
An Adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered.
An inconvenience is an Adventure wrongly considered.
– G.K. Chesterton
Reservations are limited for this Inaugural Event.
Sign up by Midnight, Monday, October 24th – Cost is $99.99 for the weekend
After Monday, October 24th – Cost is $109.99 for the weekend
(includes accommodations, meals and all activities and Adventures)
What an Adventure! So sorry if you missed out! Just experienced the best weekend I have had in a long time. Scavenger hunt, campfire, good food, high rope course, kayaking, peace, knowledge and so much more! I even came home and wrote in my journel which was a gift from Dana from years ago! What has happened?!:) Thanks Dana for all your hard work and being YOU! Don’t miss the next event everyone; it is SOOOOOOOO worth it!