Flex your decision-making muscles and practice 5-pound choices all week! At the end of the week (you’re in a little better shape now), choose a heavyweight choice you have been wrestling with for a while, or avoiding, and apply the technique outlined in this week’s blog. Use your TAL 52 Week Adventure Journal to help you arrive at your decision.
Pay attention to inactive “auto-pilot” and “backseat-driver” choices that don’t include your hands being on the wheel. Notice how often you feel stuck or incapable of making a decision. Once you are able to detect these things, you get to really start choosing.
You may not always make “right” decisions, but at least they will be yours.
This can be difficult, and may not seem appealing to people who enjoy having other people to blame for what goes wrong in their life…ahem…that being the majority of the population. But it’s kind of like attempting sit-ups after an entire year. The first one sucks and may not even be possible. But once you’ve worked up to 25, 50 or more it can change everything—how you feel, what you believe about yourself, what you can do, how you look. The benefits go on and on.
Make choices. Active choices. Right now. Today. And again tomorrow. And the next day. Keep doing it. That’s life. Live the life of YOUR choosing.
Remember, I’m taking these challenges right along side you. So if you have questions or suggestions, or you want to share your experience, I want to hear from you in the comments below.