Author: Dana

Pick something you really want. Do what it takes to get it. Journal about your experience. Then, pick something else. Repeat.

Weekly Challenge

Put your hair in a bun, slip on a loincloth (mawashi) and FIGHT!

I’ve always had an uncanny ability to make things happen when I truly set my mind to it. My son has it, too – when he wants to. It’s funny how tired he becomes or how much “his ankle hurts” – all of a sudden – when it’s time to do his chores. Yet he […]


Stop this thing! I want off.

Recently my 13-year-old son did me a really big favor. He gave me some parenting advice – and some much-needed perspective. After sharing something he was upset about – and after my feeble attempt to “problem-solve” – he looked me square in the eye and said, “Mom, sometimes I just need you to say it […]


For this week’s The Adventuresome Life Challenge, pay attention to whether you’re hanging on with a death grip, flailing around in a panic or if you’re willing and able to take your hands off the lap bar and just enjoy the ride –   in general or with any given subject or scenario of your choosing.

Weekly Challenge

Here’s to being Adventuresome…and all that comes with it.

Recently, I convinced my personal trainer to be my partner in a local Adventure Race. It may seem like it should be the other way around since my race partner, Payton, is a health and fitness professional, was a Big 10 collegiate athlete and just happens to be 19 years my junior. You may remember […]


This week’s Adventure Challenge is pretty matter of fact. Seek Adventure in EVERYTHING. And I do mean everything. Adventure requires you to be bold; daring; take risks, be corageous. It can be humbling. It may feel hazardous, dangerous or perilous at times. It usually involves excitement, the unknown and taking chances. Adventuresome choices are almost […]

Weekly Challenge

The Adventuresome Life

Column 2

Put Whatever you want in this space.  Or just have 3 footer columns.